Dr. Karen, Hope you are doing well.
You helped fix my back back a few months ago. It has been doing great and I do the stretching regularly. My problem is long car trips. We drive
up to Maryland about once a month to visit our grandchildren and it is murder on my back. I use cruise control so I avoid using too much gas but it doesn't help. Any suggestions?
Thanks, R.L.
Dear R.L.,
I would suggest you look at a couple styles of
seat supports you could use...
one is a wedge that has a little cutout for your tailbone and one is a straight up lumbar support...
one or the other may be helpful...
something like this
(I have never used this brand before but I wanted you to have a picture).
Get out of the car and walk around every hour...
I know it’s a pain but just drink a lot of water so your discs stay hydrated AND you have to stop that often!!
Having a foam roller and a massager to use once you get to your destination is something I do on all my trips...
we have a few foam roller videos on our web site!
You can find those here...
Load up on Turmeric (or another natural anti-inflammatory) a few days before and during your trip (we have some at the office)
...and OF COURSE have a Chiro appointment or massage therapy session before you leave and for sure make certain you have an appointment scheduled when you come back!
Thanks for reaching out!!
Dr. K